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Education  +  Singles Events  = a better dating experience! 

Elevate your communication skills to create happier, healthier relationships!

We're SO HAPPY you're here! We believe in FUN, friendship, self-development, community, and most of all happy, healthy LOVE!   We KNOW how hard it is:

  1. being single

  2. knowing HOW to date [successfully]

  3. finding a mate that's a great "fit" AND chemistry

  4. communicate wants & needs 

  5. feeling stuck in an unhappy relationship

BUUUUUUUT we also believe that "DOING THE WORK" IS WORTH IT!!

We are here to help you practice the communication skills you need to learn how to be more emotionally a safe, non-judgmental space with others doing the same.  Let's make "doing the work" fun fun FUN because we're all in this together!!

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Elevate your EQ dating game at Singles Meet Market

where a supportive conscious-minded community MEETS personal development!

Join us for great events, communication skills classes, and personal growth around

improving our emotional intelligence [EQ]!  We learn [and practice] how to communicate

our wants & needs PLUS how to hear others' without feeling scared or angry.

MEET other quality singles who take self-development seriously

[by learning how to become the best possible version of themselves]

and are here to learn how to co-create a happy, healthy relationship!

"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. 
But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates."

~Thomas Szasz


  The educational classes help singles learn AND practice new communication & relationship skills in a safe, non-judgmental way.


  Singles can MEET other singles for friendships &/or romantic relationships at our SINGLES EVENTS. 


You've been "working on yourself" so you want to MEET

other quality singles who are also growing through self-development !

The combination of singles events & educational classes make for an amazing asset for the singles community because it's important to be READY for LOVE when you MEET that "freaking awesome person who rocks your world"!

Don't sabotage the relationship before it even starts by not being ready!

"Investing in your own growth & self-development isn't selfish.  It's self care."


Whether  you want to MEET new friends or the LOVE of  YOUR LIFE...

get on our "friends list" & get the BEST deals for our classes & events!

Ready to Learn More?
Let's Be Friends!

We're looking forward to meeting & learning together!

Traditionally, tickets to our events SOLD out quickly!   Those on our FRIEND LIST get notified first and get the best deals.

 Sign up NOW to be "in the know"! 


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Last Name*



Email Address


“Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and energy needed to develop yourself.”

~Denis Waitley


"Personal development is not for broken people.  

It's for people who want a better life."

~Dave Hollis


"We're all in this together!"

Whether you're attending our events or our educational classes, 
you'll MEET other SINGLES who are also here 
to connect, LEARN, enjoy, and GROW! 

Education + Single Events = Improved Possibilities!

Attend❤   Connect❤    Learn❤   Enjoy



"If you don't like how things are, change it! 

You're not a tree!"

~Jim Rohn


“People don't grow by accident, they grow by design.  Design yourself. 

Design your future.  Success never just happens."


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